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NEG does Great British Bear Bash 2025

May 1
Starts at 2:00 PM
May 5
Ends at 5:00 PM

The Next in a series of GrommOffs for the North of England brought to you by the creators of NEG.

For more NEG information see the event page:

Great British Bear Bash-2025 (GBBB2025) is Early May Bank Holiday in Manchester during Bear Bash we will be doing a GrommOff adding in more food for those hungry boys

GBBB2025 Tickets now on sale:


The GrommOff suggested events including some from the GBBB2025 itinerary see link for more details. Please note if there is a ticket to attend this is booked through GBBB2025 directly including if a wristband is needed through Weekend tickets. All GrommOff directly run will be pay as you go.

-Thursday 1ST of MAY 2025-

19:30 Quiz night advanced tickets required this is not a GBBB2025 specific event but a weekly event held at the Eagle, a members only club in Manchester village

-Friday 2nd of MAY 2025-

15-18 Social (may run late to get to this due to work) Cockatoo Club (back of the Lodge in the Eagle) GBBB2025

18:15 Dinner (Pay as you go)

-Saturday 3rd of MAY 2025-

12-17 Fur Market Day 2 Eagle GBBB2025

16-20 Cigar Bear Social Thompson GBBB2025

20:15 Dinner Tops? (Pay as you go)

-Sunday 4th of MAY 2025-

12 Lunch VIA GBBB2025

14-17 Pool Party Ticketed Event GBBB2025

17:30 Dinner (Pay as you go)

20:00 Beareoke GBBB2025

-Monday 5th of MAY 2025-

10:00 Breakfast of Champions (part of weekend ticket) Richmond Tea rooms GBBB2025

14:00 Last Pizza the Action (part of weekend ticket) Rem Bar GBBB2025

16:00 Final Hugs Lodge in the Eagle GBBB2025


Full GBBB2025 itinerary:

More information to be added over the next coming months

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